Detroit Lakes Public Education Foundation
"Promoting excellence in education and enhancing student achievement"
The Purpose
The mission of the Detroit Lakes Public Education Foundation is to fund and promote excellence in education and enhance student achievement through partnerships involving alumni, parents, educators, students, businesses, and the greater Detroit Lakes Community.
The History
Started in 2007 by a group of citizens in Detroit Lakes who were concerned about the shortage of public school funding. DLPEF was founded by Dick Lundeen to help enhance education in Detroit Lakes Public Schools. Dick was the district business manager for over 20 years. The group established a foundation designed to support our local school system, its student, and its staff. The foundation has granted over $170,000 to Detroit Lakes Public Schools over the years!
The Plan
Through its partnership with alumni, school staff, and administration, parents, businesses, and community residents, the foundation is building an endowment fund, which will be used to help meet our community's educational needs. The foundation's intent will be to fund grants based on the annual interest earned on the endowment funds. An application process has been established, using an advisory council to review requests for grants to enhance educational opportunities for all ages within our community and to encourage creative and innovative educational programs. DLPEF is a qualified 501-c(3) tax exempt organization through West Central Initiative.
*So far, DLPEF has awarded over $170,000 in grants since inception*
Show Your Support
The foundation has raised permanent funds by soliciting funds directly from the community. The foundation will offer donors the option of pledging funds over a three-year period. A payroll deduction has enabled staff members of the Detroit Lakes school system to make a direct donation to the foundation.
Contact Detroit Lakes Education Foundation
702 Lake Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501